Micro piles
Ischebeck TITAN injection piles are ideal for use as tension piles, mini piles and root piles (pali radice) in micropiling situations. Ischebeck TITAN micropiles consist of a continuously threaded, hollow stem steel reinforcement tendon combined with an OPC grout body of a minimum 25 N/mm2 strength. They comply with DIN EN 14199 micropiles. The profiled surface of the grout body transfers tension and/or compression forces into the ground.
Mikcropiles used for transferring tension and compression loads to loadbearing soil strata deeper in the ground for:
- New structures
- Change of use in older buildings
- Following damage ( e.g. undermining etc.)
- Securing against uplift

- Portal stabilisation
- Pipe umbrellas
- Driving with spiles
- IQ Quickset Roofbolts, secured with special resin
Special applications:
- Drill drain. TITAN injection pile as horizontal drain with a special, permeable grout body for reliable, specific drainage of slope seepage water
- Monojet. TITAN injection pile used according to the jet-grouting principle with up to 200 bar
- Geothermal projects. TITAN Geothermal Energy Pile as a combined loadbearing and geothermal element

Advantages over conventional piles
- Works in compression and tension
- Does not require temporary casing
- Improved mechanical ground/grout interaction reduces overall depth
- Dramatically increased production rates
- Lightweight rotary percussive drilling equipment
- Installed in confined spaces
- Permits top down jet grouting in saturated clays and silts complete with re-bar
- Perfect as pali radice for invisible structural repairs
- Remote de-coupling unit facilitates underwater near shore piling from barges or jack leg platforms
- Self drilling micropiles provide a range of working loads from 110kN to 3,000 kN
- Minimal noise
- Low vibration
- Minimal spoil
The TITAN injection pile in detail:
- Loadbearing element with three functions :
- Hollow steel tendon made from fine-grained structural steel
- Hollow instead of solid steel tendon
- Hollow steel tendon with TITAN thread (the form and structure complies with Eurocode 2, DIN 488, DIN EN 10080 and ASTM-A 615.