Corrosion protection
In most applications of steel sheet piling the use of raw sheet piles is possible without any problem. Although, under special environmental conditions a corrosion protection is recommended.
Usually for sheet pile walls exposed to adverse environmental conditions a plane material loss is assumed. Experience based values are shown by EAU and EN 1993-5.
To ensure the bearing capacity and serviceability of the sheet pile walls being subject to appreciable corrosion during the regular life time they can be oversized accordingly. In this case, the sheet pilesare to be designed for the expected geometrical conditions at the end of the regular life time of the walls.
Coatings can, on the basis of experience to date, it can delay the onset of corrosion by over 20 years.
To prevent harm to the environment due to blasting dust and overspray, steel components should be given the necessary corrosion protection in conformity with current regulations and recommendations if possible before installation. Since it is known that careful treatment, only minor damage occurs during transport and assembly, we recommend complete coating in the factory.
The choice of coating system depends on the anticipated stressing and the desired service life ( see DIN EN ISO 12944). We supply sheet piles with all conventional coating systems and give advice on the choice of system.
Because of the severe stressing to which sheet piling structures are exposed, epoxy resin or polyurethane coatings are usually applied. For the sake of the environment, only tar-substitude products and tar-free systems should be used.
Hot-dip galvanizing
Corrosion protection by hot-dip galvanizing is one of the widely used methods in steel construction. Combined with an additional coating (duplex system), synergies are created.
For the galvanizing of steel sheet piles a special steel analysis is necessary and compliance with regulations governing interlock tolerances. Surface quality and product identification must be taken into account. Notice should therefore be given of the intention to have the piles hot-dip galvanized before the start of rolling. For the requirements and tests/ inspections, see DIN EN ISO 1461.
Cathodic corrosion protection
Under water corrosion can be prevented or delayed by application of an cathodic corrosion protection.
Cathodic corrosion protection utilizes the electrochemical mechanism of action of corrosion, by mounting electrically acting anodes to the sheet pile. these anodes emit electrons instead of the sheet pile wall and thus draw corrosion from the sheet pile wall to themselve.
Galvanic systems, which use anodes of base metals ("sacrificial anodes"), and impressed current systems, providing external voltage at the sheet pile wall are distinguished.

Usually for sheet pile walls exposed to adverse environmental conditions a plane material loss is assumed. Experience based values are shown by EAU and EN 1993-5.
To ensure the bearing capacity and serviceability of the sheet pile walls being subject to appreciable corrosion during the regular life time they can be oversized accordingly. In this case, the sheet pilesare to be designed for the expected geometrical conditions at the end of the regular life time of the walls.
Coatings can, on the basis of experience to date, it can delay the onset of corrosion by over 20 years.
To prevent harm to the environment due to blasting dust and overspray, steel components should be given the necessary corrosion protection in conformity with current regulations and recommendations if possible before installation. Since it is known that careful treatment, only minor damage occurs during transport and assembly, we recommend complete coating in the factory.
The choice of coating system depends on the anticipated stressing and the desired service life ( see DIN EN ISO 12944). We supply sheet piles with all conventional coating systems and give advice on the choice of system.
Because of the severe stressing to which sheet piling structures are exposed, epoxy resin or polyurethane coatings are usually applied. For the sake of the environment, only tar-substitude products and tar-free systems should be used.
Hot-dip galvanizing
Corrosion protection by hot-dip galvanizing is one of the widely used methods in steel construction. Combined with an additional coating (duplex system), synergies are created.
For the galvanizing of steel sheet piles a special steel analysis is necessary and compliance with regulations governing interlock tolerances. Surface quality and product identification must be taken into account. Notice should therefore be given of the intention to have the piles hot-dip galvanized before the start of rolling. For the requirements and tests/ inspections, see DIN EN ISO 1461.
Cathodic corrosion protection
Under water corrosion can be prevented or delayed by application of an cathodic corrosion protection.
Cathodic corrosion protection utilizes the electrochemical mechanism of action of corrosion, by mounting electrically acting anodes to the sheet pile. these anodes emit electrons instead of the sheet pile wall and thus draw corrosion from the sheet pile wall to themselve.
Galvanic systems, which use anodes of base metals ("sacrificial anodes"), and impressed current systems, providing external voltage at the sheet pile wall are distinguished.